Are Gel Tabs the Future of LSD? 🔮🌈
Acid gel tabs last longer, kick in faster, and hold more LSD than conventional blotters.
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) has been virtually unchanged since it first entered the public sphere. People are still using the same LSD-soaked blotter papers Timothy Leary was using back in the early days of the 60s counterculture.
But times are changing, and new technologies are being implemented to pack more LSD in a single tab. LSD gel tabs are a new, innovative method of preparing LSD that offers several key advantages over conventional blotter paper.
Gel tabs can hold up to three times as much active ingredient as blotters and offer a significantly longer shelf-life.
Here, we’ll explore what LSD gel tabs are, what makes them better than conventional blotters, and why we believe they’ll become the standard for LSD in the coming years.
What Are LSD Gel Tabs?
LSD gel tabs look like conventional LSD blotters, but instead of paper, they’re made of thin LSD-infused gelatin squares.
They look just like little pieces of Jell-O or tiny geometric gummy candies. Sometimes, they’re colored or made to look more decorative with cut designs or gold flakes; other times, they’re manufactured into unique shapes, like diamonds or tiny pyramids, to help them stand out.
Gel tabs are designed to deliver one convenient dose of LSD per piece — just like conventional LSD blotter paper squares. However, the 3-dimensional structure of gel tabs allows significantly more LSD to be suspended inside — up to 3 times as much over conventional blotter paper.
Despite having a higher capacity, many manufacturers stick to around 100–150 mcg dose range per tab. This has been the conventional dosage for individual LSD blotter squares for over 50 years and is considered the ideal dose range for a single person.
Gel tabs cut to the same 6.3 mm x 6.3 mm (¼ inch) dimensions as blotter papers, but with an additional 1-3 mm in depth, can hold up to 500 mcg of LSD per dose. Thicker or larger gel tabs containing even more LSD are possible, too.
Taking gel tabs follows the same protocols as taking LSD blotters. Users place a single tab under the tongue and hold it there for 10-15 minutes before swallowing whatever is left. Here, the active LSD is absorbed through a network of tiny capillaries lining the base of the tongue, which goes directly into the bloodstream.
How Are LSD Gel Tabs Made?
LSD gel tabs are made by combining liquid LSD, gelatin, and water. It’s the same process for making medicated gummies with THC, CBD, or other plant extracts.
Once mixed and allowed to set, the gelatin hardens slightly to form a gel. The entire square is then cut into individual doses.
The amount of LSD in a gel tab can vary greatly depending on how much liquid LSD is used to make the gel sheet and how large the squares are cut.
LSD Gel Tabs vs. LSD Blotters: What’s The Difference?
The only difference between LSD gel tabs and LSD blotters (AKA “a tab of acid”) is that gel tabs use a gelatin base to contain the LSD, while blotters use a special kind of absorbent paper (called blotting paper).
Blotting paper (AKA bibulous paper) is a highly absorbent type of paper used to absorb excess inks or other liquids. It was popular before the turn of the 20th century when most writing was done using ink and quills. Today, it’s still used in research labs to absorb excess chemicals or to dry glassware.
Sometime in the 60s, chemists realized they could dissolve crystalline LSD into alcohol and “paint” it over large sheets of absorbent blotting paper. As the alcohol evaporated, it would leave the LSD behind — locked securely in place by tiny caverns in the paper.

These large sheets of paper could then be cut and separated into individual doses. A 7.5 x 7.5-inch sheet of blotting paper could be separated into 900 individual doses.
Gel tabs follow the same principles as LSD blotters but employ a more 3-dimensional structure thanks to the use of gelatin.
The use of gelatin instead of paper offers 3 main advantages:
Gel tabs are stronger — using the same dimensions as blotters, a gel tab contains up to 3X the dose.
Gel tabs kick in more quickly — gelatin dissolves much faster than paper and releases the LSD into the bloodstream very quickly.
Gel tabs have a much longer shelf-life — gelatin protects the sensitive LSD molecule from degradation from UV light, oxygen, and heat.
There are a few catches, of course.
For starters, gel tabs are about 20% more expensive than blotters. Sometimes, this is made up for by having a stronger dose, but not always. And stronger isn’t necessarily better, anyway. The 100 to 150-mcg dose range for LSD is ideal for the majority of users.
Another problem with gel tabs comes from their higher dose capacity. The limited capacity of LSD blotters acts as a guardrail against adulteration. LSD is one of the few drugs strong enough to produce psychedelic states at sub-milligram doses. A ¼ inch square of paper only allows for about 0.2 mg of active ingredient, at best. So, drugs with threshold doses above 0.5 mg simply don’t work with this form of administration.
With gel tabs, the capacity of active ingredients is much higher (up to 0.8 mg). Thicker gel tabs can be produced with even higher capacities as well, which allows enough room for adulteration with other compounds.
How Long Do the Effects of LSD Gel Tabs Last?
The standard LSD trip lasts between 6 and 10 hours, with most users feeling back to normal within 10 to 12 hours. This timeline is the same for LSD gel tabs, blotters, and liquid LSD.
LSD gel tabs have a reputation of lasting longer, but there are no official studies to back this up, and the anecdotal evidence is inconclusive. Some find gel tabs last longer; others notice no difference at all.
If your gel tab contains the same as a standard blotter, there should be no noticeable difference in trip length. However, with gel tabs that contain higher doses, you should expect the trip to last longer than you might be used to.
Can You Microdose With LSD Gel Tabs?
Yes, you can absolutely microdose with LSD gel tabs — but they’re not as ideal as blotters for one big reason.
When LSD is suspended in gelatin, it isn’t always perfectly distributed throughout the whole square. Sometimes, you’ll get slightly more LSD on one side of the tab than the other. This means when you split the tabs into smaller microdoses, some pieces may contain more LSD than others. In some cases, the difference is strong enough to produce noticeable effects (threshold dose).
With blotting paper, the LSD is very evenly distributed across the surface — so once separated, each dose will provide roughly the same amount of LSD.
All that aside, many people use gel tabs to microdose without problems. Just make sure you know how much LSD your tab contains so you can divide them up accordingly. Generally speaking, a microdose is about 10% of a standard dose. So, for LSD, you’ll probably want to shoot for the 10–15 mcg range.
The process for creating microdoses from gel tabs is the same as it is with blotter paper. You can use a sharp knife or razor blade to cut a single gel tab into as many smaller pieces as you want. The easiest division is to cut the gel tab into about 9 equal squares.

What’s the Shelf Life of LSD Gel Tabs?
One of the main advantages of LSD gel tabs is the long shelf-life. The gelatin consistency of the tab locks the LSD safely inside and protects it from exposure to oxygen, heat, and UV light.
While it’s unclear exactly how long LSD gel tabs last, it’s believed to be somewhere in the ballpark of 3–6 years if stored in a cool, dry, and dark location. Compare this to LSD blotters, which are only expected to remain viable for up to 3 years in storage (usually closer to 1.5 years).
All forms of LSD will lose potency over time, especially if they aren’t stored correctly, and LSD gel tabs are no exception. Knowing how to store LSD properly will help you maintain its potency long-term.
Generally speaking, it’s best to wrap your gel tabs in some tin foil to block out the light, then store them in a resealable plastic bag to lock out the air. Now, place it somewhere dark and away from any sunlight or external heat sources.
What Are the Alternatives to LSD Gel Tabs?
LSD is just one of many compounds in the lysergamide family of drugs. It’s the most popular by far, but it isn’t even the most potent of the group.
As time goes on and more people are interested in using psychedelics for the purposes of self-growth, healing, and consciousness exploration, alternative options are becoming more common in the marketplace.
The best LSD alternatives include LSZ, 1P-LSD, ETH-LAD, AL-LAD, PRO-LAD, and ALD-52. All can be found in gel tab form, just like LSD.
Further Reading
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